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I Updated my Why for Working Out

A woman with a toddler in a carrier
Still getting a workout by carrying my toddler around when things go awry

In order to stay consistent with any healthy habit, it’s vital to know your Why. My Why helped me to exercise weekly, even when life got hectic and I needed to cut back to a mini workout routine.

This past year, my main motivator for exercising has been to keep up with my son. I generally stuck to weight training and walking, since those are my personal favourite forms of exercise. Now, I’m ready to do something that requires slightly more specific workouts – getting back to martial arts.

I practiced aikido for four years before COVID hit. Then, just as the dojo opened back up, I got pregnant. Breakfalls and pregnancy don’t mix.

I’m finally feeling ready and excited to get back on the mat. Which means I need to get in shape for it!

Aikido is a fascinating martial art, where the main focus is on protecting your attacker. Physically, it involves a lot of throws and pins, and looks similar to judo or jujitsu.

So, until September when I can start practicing again, I’m going to work on improving my cardiovascular fitness and flexibility. And, to a lesser extent, on maintaining my strength.

Here’s a week from my new workout plan:

Workout 1

  • Elliptical workout at the gym: 1 min high intensity, 1 min easy pace, total 20 minutes

Workout 2

  • Yoga class: virtual or in-person

Workout 3

  • Bench press – 3 sets of 10

  • Goblet squats – 3 sets of 8

Workout 4

  • Eccentric pull ups – 3 sets of 3

  • Lateral raises – 3 sets of 10

Workout 5

My workout plans on my blog are never prescriptive; this is just what I’m doing to increase my fitness. It has the perfect combination of a bit more activity than I’m doing now, but not so much that I’ll burn out and/or be sore all the time.

Have your motivations for working out changed recently? Do you follow any kind of workout plan? Let me know in the comments!

Stay well friends,

Dr. Kuhnow


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