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about me

Welcome to my blog! My name is Alexi Kuhnow, and I'm a family medicine resident physician in Ontario, Canada, and a former physiotherapist.



I started this blog with the goal of helping

other healthcare providers to take care of

themselves. I can't wait for you to join me on my journey of trying to get happier and

healthier. I'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions, and get in touch any time. 


Stay well friends,


Dr. Kuhnow

about my blog

Some things to note: 

My blog is for education, support, and (hopefully some) entertainment. It doesn't replace the advice of your qualified healthcare provider.

My opinions are my own, and don't reflect the opinions of the institutions I'm a part of. 

I never use large language models/chatGPT in my writing. 

Please read my Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions before using my website. 

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